Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"Kashi : Our food : Kashi Frozen Entrees, Chicken Pasta Pomodoro"

I bought one of these. It is quite good.

What struck me was the packaging. So much information; it looks impressive and even authoritative.

There is a footnote about weight that does not seem connected to any other text. A second footnote mentions "minimally processed", whatever that means.

They claim they have reduced the packaging by "11%". Oh, I see the footnote asterisk now. It qualifies the packaging reduction by saying its 11% off the average weight of previous packages. Not sure what that means.

There is a bunch of high-sounding rhetoric claiming the wonders of the food.

It's a lot to consume and I suspect most people don't.

I wonder why they don't speak about what's recyclable - the paper carton, the plastic wrap but not the plastic tray? At the least they ought to tell us on the package what type of plastic is inside so we don't have to hunt for it.

It mentions Project Spark and sill have to look that up. Here it is but I don't have time to, ahem, digest it all.

After all of that, how is the saturated fat (1.5 grams) good for our health and how are the 470 mg of sodium serving our best health interests?

I was going to share this with them, but they insist on knowing my birthday before I can send them an e-mail. That's too high a price to pay and an unnecessary request. They must not be interested in hearing from many people.

I subsequently called Kashi at 1-877-747-2467 an was told that they require the birthdate because of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act I would sure be interested in knowing why that applies to them - in their view - and not to other similar businesses. One of them is not understanding the law properly, I think.

It's curious why they choose to tell me over the phone that this is why they ask, but they mention nothing on the page that requires the birthdate in order to proceed.

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