Sunday, December 1, 2019

Monday, November 18, 2019

Sunday, November 10, 2019

French Baguettes From a Vending Machine? ‘What a Tragedy.’ - The New York Times

I wish I could inject every bakery with a life-sustaining shot of sometihng. It would be part creativity and part the hard work of making their to their customers. Both have been lacking.

Scandinavian Wine? A Warming Climate Tempts Entrepreneurs - The New York Times

Unimaginable becomes inevitable.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Durham startup Looma inks partnership with Lowes Foods | Durham Herald Sun

Interesting concept. I think I would find it mostly irritating in the store.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Grubhub’s Struggles Could Chill Food Delivery Hype - WSJ

Competitive laziness.

Dame’s Chicken and Waffles opening in Chapel Hill | Raleigh News & Observer

Not impressed.

Mondial du pain

TélématinMarchés - Mondial du pain
diffusé le lun. 21.10.19 à 7h53info et société - 5 min - tous publics
présenté par : Damien Thévenot
Chroniqueur : Loïc Ballet Du 20 au 24 octobre, c'est le Mondial du pain à Nantes. Tous les boulangers du monde s'y retrouvent ,mais également l'association des ambassadeurs du pain. Ses membres sensibilisent et cherchent à faire comprendre l'impact du pain sur le corps. Ils prônent une nouvelle méthode, le Respectus Panis, qui consiste à moins pétrir la pâte à pain pour mieux la respecter.

Sunday, October 20, 2019


Big story a couple of days ago about how big this product is in Belgium. Chicons in French.

The Jean-Georges Recipe for Restaurants - The New York Times

Great picture.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Friday, September 20, 2019

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Monday, September 9, 2019

Not all milks are created equal: The rise of Oatly and other plant-based "milk" drinks - CBS News

Important points, but a varied consumption of dairy milk and whatever one wants to call it from plants may be the best solution. It is not a matter of one vs the other but rather the question is one of tolerance, health and diversity.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

BBC - Travel - The perfect French baguette

Great story. We need the same competition in NC.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Watermelon thief’s truck gets stuck in field: NC police | Durham Herald Sun

Justice happens in many forms!

Opinion | Our Food Is Killing Too Many of Us - The New York Times

Great but unachievable, Human stupdity needs to be front and center or this will acccomplish nothing. And with such rampant stupidity/obesity and such stupidity/support for TRUMP, how can we solve any of these critical problems. We seem to be stuck with our collective dumbness fueled by irrationality and and core principles of thinking badly.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Trump targets legal migrants who get food aid - BBC News

What more can I say other than grossly offensive action?

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Monday, July 22, 2019

Friday, July 12, 2019

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Saturday, June 8, 2019

The Four Seasons Is Closing, Less Than a Year After Reopening - The New York Times

A really challenging business, even for a place like the soon-to-be-former Four Seasons. Ugh.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Thursday, May 2, 2019

TV5MONDE - Objectif Monde - Nourrir la planète : quelle agriculture demain ?

Really troubling program pointing out all of the challenges to keeping us fed in France.

India election 2019: Are India's farmers receiving what they were promised? - BBC News

Another tragic story today on the BBC reminding me of the dire situation in France.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Butterball LLC Recalls Turkey Products Due to Possible Salmonella Schwarzengrund Contamination

Nothing here about what might happen if you consumed this back in 2018 before "freeze by" date???

Saturday, March 2, 2019

(2) UberEats Uses Data To Help Restaurants Rebrand Online, Creating Entirely New Eateries | Nightly News - YouTube

Quite amazing.

Okay, So, How Many Times Can You Refreeze Meat and Vegetables? | Bon Appetit

Also great!

Is It Safe to Refreeze Raw Meat and Poultry that Has Thawed?

Good advice.

Fish Consumption Per Capita | Helgi Library

Nearly twice as much fish consumed in France than in the US per capita - historically. Nearly 50 lbs/yr in the US as of 8 years ago. I think I heard a number this week that the number in France has fallen quite a bit and now at about 55 lbs/yr.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Monday, January 28, 2019

Actu plus - Du bio dans nos assiettes ! - France 2 - 28-01-2019


diffusé le lun.
28.01.19 à 10h11disponible jusqu'au 27.01.22actualités & société - 6 min -
tous publics
Chroniqueur :
Frédéric Vion

Le bio, nous le savons, est bon pour la santé ! Cependant, cultivons-nous assez
de produits bio en France ? Que faisons-nous pousser en priorité ? Enfin
consommons-nous assez de bio ?

Frédéric Vion répond à nos questions. 

Conso - Le quinoa a la côte ! - France 2 - 28-01-2019

Good story!

diffusé le lun. 28.01.19 à 10h49disponible jusqu'au 27.01.22actualités & société - 5 min - tous publics
Chroniqueuse : Isabelle Martinet     Il y a 30 ans, il fallait plusieurs mois pour écouler un container de quinoa. Aujourd’hui il s’en écoule plusieurs par mois !     Longtemps réservée à une clientèle « d’initiés », cette graine de Bolivie est devenue en quelques années un super aliment, réputé pour la qualité de sa protéine sans gluten et sa digestibilité. Elle s’est positionnée en tête sur les listes des nutritionnistes !  Face à une demande toujours croissante, les producteurs importateurs diversifient leur offre : en dehors des sachets habituels, on trouve aujourd’hui des pâtes alimentaires à base de quinoa, des farines de quinoa, des tartines craquantes et des salades traiteurs express.   Pour plus d’informations :

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Concurrencées par de grandes enseignes, 1 200 boulangeries disparaissent chaque année

We all need to work harder at stopping this trend. It is not healthy, and by our practices, we can change it.