Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts > Wright County Egg Conducts Nationwide Voluntary Recalls of Shell Eggs Because of Possible Health Risk"

When I was still a post-university student 40 years ago or so, one of the exercises I recall confronting in class was how would we, the students, advise the US Consumer Product Safety Commission on how they should notify purchasers of "trouble lights" that there was a defect in the product. I remember that every time I hear of a problem with a product, especially when it is food, and especially when it is recalled. What I realize each time is that the likelihood of reaching the purchasers with the recall information is probably about the same today - despite all of the technology - as it was then.
We remain ever so close to a world in which we will have so much better a link with our food, both before we buy it and extending til after we eat it or discard it. But we are not there yet, not by an embarassing longshot.
One of the moves not made by any food retailer, including restaurants, that I can recall is to post clearly at the entrance to the store and their website a list of any products they have sold or used that are subject to a recall. Imagine how much more one would trust a place that did this! On entering the physical space or website, one would see if anything was on the list.....

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