Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009

"The Carolina Inn’s Crossroads Restaurant Introduces Summer Menus"

I wonder why more restaurants don't identify more precisely the origin of their menu items.

Take, for example, Chatham County Poulet Rouge. Why force the diner or prospective diner to search on what that really means? Is this where it came from? More specfically, here?

Only the chef - one hopes! - knows for sure.

Here are the French rules, in French, for the Label Rouge designation for chickens in France.

Chicago French Market

Saturday, December 5, 2009


According to NPR's All Things Considered today, China is the largest grower of garlic in the world. For various reasons, the price of garlic in China has risen dramatically. I wonder what impact that this will have on garlic prices in NC.

"Relish Celebrating America's Love of Food" - Recipes, Wine and More - Relish

"Walking Fish - A Community Supported Fisheries Project"

"Fresh catch, net profits" - Life -

Friday, December 4, 2009

World Consumer Spending

"Food and non-alcoholic beverages
Table: 4.1 Consumer expenditure on food and non-alcoholic beverages 1990/1995/2001-2008
Table: 4.2 Per capita consumer expenditure on food and non-alcoholic beverages 1990/1995/2001-2008
Table: 4.3 Consumer expenditure on food 1990/1995/2001-2008
Table: 4.4 Per capita consumer expenditure on food 1990/1995/2001-2008
Table: 4.5 Consumer expenditure on bread and cereals 1990/1995/2001-2008
Table: 4.6 Per capita consumer expenditure on bread and cereals 1990/1995/2001-2008
Table: 4.7 Consumer expenditure on meat 1990/1995/2001-2008
Table: 4.8 Per capita consumer expenditure on meat 1990/1995/2001-2008
Table: 4.9 Consumer expenditure on fish and seafood 1990/1995/2001-2008
Table: 4.10 Per capita consumer expenditure on fish and seafood 1990/1995/2001-2008
Table: 4.11 Consumer expenditure on milk, cheese and eggs 1990/1995/2001-2008
Table: 4.12 Per capita consumer expenditure on milk, cheese and eggs 1990/1995/2001-2008
Table: 4.13 Consumer expenditure on oils and fats 1990/1995/2001-2008
Table: 4.14 Per capita consumer expenditure on oils and fats 1990/1995/2001-2008
Table: 4.15 Consumer expenditure on fruit 1990/1995/2001-2008
Table: 4.16 Per capita consumer expenditure on fruit 1990/1995/2001-2008
Table: 4.17 Consumer expenditure on vegetables 1990/1995/2001-2008
Table: 4.18 Per capita consumer expenditure on vegetables 1990/1995/2001-2008
Table: 4.19 Consumer expenditure on sugar and confectionery 1990/1995/2001-2008
Table: 4.20 Per capita consumer expenditure on sugar and confectionery 1990/1995/2001-2008
Table: 4.21 Consumer expenditure on other food 1990/1"

"Is Obesity Destroying Life Expectancy Gains?" - ABC News

"Food & Snacks: Potato Chips & Snack Crackers" - CVS

"EFNEP - Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program"

Food - Food Issues -

"Grass-Roots Culinary Clubs Form in the Bay Area" -

Hunger Forum - Raleigh - NCSU

Sunday, November 22, 2009

"Is There Such a Thing as Agro-Imperialism?" -

"Liberty, Equality, Gastronomy - Paris via a 19th-Century Guide" -

"Eat, Drink and Be Merry!" - CBS Sunday Morning - CBS News

A lot of great food stories here, including one on North Carolina moonshine!

Among other things, CBS claims that 28% of all US households in 2008 were singles, i.e., only one person making up the household. I wonder what that figure is in NC.

"Veridia Community : Our Community"

Note vegetable garden as part of the plan.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"Mon panier bio : les distributeurs de paniers bio / fermiers de fruits et légumes"

"Can Biotech Food Cure World Hunger?" - Room for Debate Blog -

We ought to be able to relate much better to this than we do in NC. Note the NC State professor on the link; he writes frequently; perhaps he can help.

Here in France where I am now, the agriculture sector says that it is facing its worst crisis in 30 years. Farmers are clamoring for government help and food prices continue to fall.

How do we relate that situation (in France) to the agriculture situation in NC....and, in turn, with agriculture in all other countries.

What can we learn from them? What they can learn from us?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

"Lebanese to Israel - Hands Off Our Hummus!" -

"‘Smart Choices’ Food Labeling Loses Support" -

This is a great testament to the power of the overall marketplace and good government actions, as in Connecticut. Good ideas, badly executed, like this program and its ludicrous seals of approval on Fruit Loops et al, can be confronted and changed. Bravo to those who fought this fight and continue to pursue the matter.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

"From Altar Wine to Beer Pong, Flu Fears Curb Life’s Rituals" -

How are people in various parts of NC coping with this? Are they changing their habits, too? It is true here in France where I am now -- the traditional exchange of kisses on meeting a friend is happening less often or with some reserve. In NC?

Monday, October 12, 2009

"Popular Demand: Magazines on the Web" - Graphic -

The current crop, so to speak, of food magazines don't draw huge numbers.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Saturday, August 22, 2009

"A Shoppers’ Rebellion at Whole Foods" - Prescriptions Blog -

It's interesting to see the ineffectiveness of new media in reaching more of the Whole Foods shopper market. I would have expected a much higher knowledge level; whether more would follow a boycott is another mater, but I am surprised that so many cusotmers seem to be unaware of the controversy after two weeks of fairly widespread and frequent mention. What does that say our evolving ability to communicate about food and non-food subjects?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

"In Hudson Valley, Farmers’ Markets Offer Local Food and Local Chat" -

I wonder how the season has been so far for farmer's markets in NC.

"Fatty Foods Affect Memory and Exercise" - Well Blog -

Imagine the daily loss of North Carolina mind and muscle as a result of eating all these horrible foods? A little gubernatorial leadership is in order - Gov PERDUE, where are you on this one?

"Recipes for Health - Middle Eastern Lentil Salad" -

Why don't we grow lentils in NC?

"Food Giants Say U.S. Running Out Of Sugar" -

I could imagine far worse things than Americans running short on sugar. Imagine the pounds that could be shed?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"Justin Fornal, a k a Baron Ambrosia, Unveils a Variety of Cuisines in ‘Bronx Flavor’" -

Sugar in cereal

I just read David KESSLER's new book about overeating.

He talked about another way to realize how much sugar there is in a box of cereal.

I pulled a box of traditoinal All-Bran cereal off the shelf and did some math. The net result is that 102 of the 519 total grams of cereal in the box are sugar! For other cereals, he writes, it is more like 30% than the 20% in the case of All-Bran.

"Wines of The Times - Summer’s Background Music, Bottled" -

"Food Stuff - A Raspberry Tart Fit for July" -

"Food Stuff - Cooking With an Eye on the Street" -

"Pairings - Fettuccine With Zucchini" - Recipe -

"$25 and Under - On the Trail of the Patacón" - Review -

"The Oven Cools, for Now" -

"Off the Menu" -

"Pilafs That Can Stand on Their Own" -

"Recipes for Health - Grilled Pacific Halibut With Mango Salsa" -

"Restaurants - A Tortoise Sets His Own Pace" - Review -

Monday, June 15, 2009