Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Lowes Foods

I find myself confused about how I feel toward Lowes Foods. They proclaim themselves to be a family business but what I have found about their corporate structure makes me think it is a pretty odd family. Requests that they stock certain products have gone unanswered. Communications with their contact option on the website make me think I am communicating with a computer and not real people. Yesterday, I was there, and bought some peaches. I guess the checkout person put in the wrong code as it failed to reflect the sale price. As I looked at the screen at checkout I wondered why the amount purchased has to precede the item? It sure makes it harder than it should be for the customer to see how the computer and the bill are reflecting what was collected for purchase. Finally, I rarely have seen the same people twice and have no idea who is in charge of anything. Having started shopping at our local Lowes in Chapel Hill (well, they say they are in Chapel Hill but really are in Chatham) 13 years or so ago (whenever it opened), I feel today that I am seeing a whole new group of people each time I enter the store with only a couple of notable exceptions.

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