Sunday, January 5, 2014

Lunch - 5 Jan 2014 - Auberge Eric Maio

We enjoyed a variation of this menu today, as the sun shown brightly following a day of torrential rains in many parts of the area.
The restaurant is very attractive inside although located on a less-than-attractive street near a fine looking lake. They had the fireplace going when we arrived, the first for lunch today. About a dozen more people ultimately showed up.
First for us was a kir vin blanc; we turned down the house specialty which looked like sangria at a nearby table, with champagne and pieces of fruit.
They served some wonderful little pastry items with olive and truffles in them and some raw fish. Very nice.
Then came the foie gras with pistachios around the slice and some spectacular bread in the form of roles, some with olives and other multigrain.
Our first course was what I would call a razor clam, or at least we had the shells of one with small seafood items between them.
Then the main course of cerf - venison - for me and cabillaud for my wife. Both were superb. The venison was served wrapped with some pastry and foie gras and truffles. The cabillaud was served with a boullion and was superbly tender.
Then a wonderful amuse bouche of a cream of some sort; we thought it was dessert at first.
Then a cheese serving magnificently presented and served with wonderful bread with nuts in it. All of the cheeses were either from cows or sheep, of course. They did not warn us of the supplement for the cheese of 6 euros.
Then a wonderfully crispy dessert with a creme caramel inside. Spectacular.
For coffees, they offered a bunch of different options based on type of bean and country of origin. Expensive at 6 euros for a small cup.
We had some wonderful additional meringues in a bottle, plus some nougat (a local specialty).
The wine was a great 50cl bottle of local rose - Font du Broc.
We used a Groupon coupon for some of this, but the additional amount was 67 euros including the items noted above.

Menu Esterel

Pour vous mettre en bouche


* Cube de saumon fumé à l’auberge, betterave rouge, Guacamole,
Pommes vertes, tendres pousses en salade huile d’olive


Escalope de foie gras de canard poêlé,
Ravioles aux senteurs des sous bois,
Des herbes de ma cueillette


* Dos de Lieu jaune cuisiné sur la peau
Compotée d’aubergines à l’olive Taggiasca et condiments au citron


* Une vision différente de cuisiner une paëlla en 2013


Le plateau de fromages de nos fromagers servi au plateau
( Sup 6€ )


* Barre croustillante au chocolat noir et grand cru,
Crème glacée à la pistache

Menu avec * : 49€
Menu dans sa totalité : 65 €
Plateau de fromages : 6€"

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